Get Involved

Research shows that when parents are actively involved with their children's education, students' grades are higher, their self-esteem is greater, and they are more socially adjusted. In fact, the most accurate indicator of a student's academic success in school is not tied to family income or social status, but the extent to which a family:

  • creates a home environment that encourages learning
  • sets high but realistic achievement and career expectations
  • becomes involved in their child's education and in the community

In addition to attending parent-teacher conferences and other special events, opportunities to get involved at your child's school abound.


Parent involvement is an important part of Torrey Pines Elementary School's (TPES) success with parents volunteering many hours of their time, interests, and talents to help in a variety of opportunities in and out of the classroom. Our incredible and amazing community of parent volunteers at TPES play a key role in our children's learning experiences, enhancing their life and success in school. We have everything from at-home opportunities, short- and long- term programs and fundraisers, classroom responsibilities, school-wide duties, and jobs you might even consider fun. See our list of Volunteer Opportunities for more information and to sign up to volunteer.

Giving in the Classroom

Many families come to campus and feel an overwhelming desire to help. One of the ways they try to do this is by purchasing things for their child's classroom. This is a great way to help your teacher with some of the smaller and more specific things that they need to fulfill their plans for the school year. Your teacher will have their own special wish list of things that are fully optional for purchase and donation. You will get this classroom specific list at Curriculum Night, ask their teacher, or visit their teacher's web page.

If you would like to give more, visit the TPES foundation website.

Classroom Volunteers

Classroom volunteers are welcome and appreciated. The number of volunteers and the amount of time they are needed in the classroom is determined by each individual teacher. The San Diego Unified School District policy regarding classroom volunteers states that persons who volunteer in classrooms must complete a Volunteer Application, Volunteer Screening, and provide evidence of a Tuberculosis Test within the last 4 years or produce a medical personnel signed TB Risk Assessment Form. These will remain on file at the school until expired.

School Site Council (SSC)

A School Site Council is required by the state Education Code. They meet monthly before school. These meetings are open to parents, however only members may vote. This group is made up of half staff (with a majority of teachers) and half parents/community members. This is broken down as follows: 1 principal, 4 certified teachers, 1 classified employee, and 5 parents/community members. The SSC has roles and responsibilities that include:

  • maintaining the board's activities and membership,
  • developing and recommending a site plan,
  • review and modification of site plan annually,
  • establishment of budgets associated with these responsibilities.

School Governance Team (SGT)

The SGT is required by the district for all schools under the Shared Decision Making contract. This group provides shared decision making to improve student achievement. The SGT meets to review and give input into the academic, administrative and budgetary areas of TPES. They discuss and advise in areas such as curriculum, homework and testing as well as hiring, guidance and discipline. This group is made up 50% teachers, 35% parents/community members and 15% administration. This breaks down into 1 principal, 1 classified employees, 3 parents/community members (to include 1 Foundation Board Rep) and 4 classroom teachers (to include 1 SDEA rep.). These are open meetings, public input is allowed in the first few minutes (by prior arrangement), but only members are allowed to vote.

Torrey Pines Elementary School Foundation (TPESF)

Tpes Foundation

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